Naše zameranie

Naše zameranie

Physical therapy

Get rid of pain or prevent injuries with us. Be healthier today!

We work with clients who are in need of managing their acute or chronic pain, pre- and post-surgery rehabilitation, post-traumatic conditions and other disorders of (not only) the musculoskeletal system. The well-being of each client is our top priority, so rest assured that you will receive 100% care from us.

Personal training

Get into shape, unlock your maximal potential and improve your sports performance.

Využite možnosť trénovať v špičkovo zariadenom súkromnom prostredí a rozvíjajte svoj potenciál naplno pod dohľadom našich fyzioterapeutov/ silových trénerov. Náš systematický a individuálny prístup k tréningu Vám pomôže priblížiť sa ku Vašim cieľom, či už sa jedná o rekompozíciu postavy, silové disciplíny (powerlifting, crossfit, weightlifting), alebo sa len chcete začať zdravšie hýbať a cítiť sa lepšie vo vlastnom tele.

Manual therapy

During manual therapy you can relax your body and mind and leave nearly all of the work on us. We use many techniques either to diagnose or treat your deep stabilization system, skeletal muscles and joints. Some of the techniques used are soft tissue handling, breathing, positioning, conscious relaxation. If you are in search of complete calmness we offer you relaxing massages or sport massages with the use of many tools which include cupping, massage gun, rollers and many more. Come and feel better today.

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